One of the biggest misconceptions regarding a root canal treatment is that the treatment is painful. Before improvements in technology and in anesthesia, this may have been true. Today, however, root canal treatments can be performed without any pain or discomfort. The specialists at the Root Canal Center of Naples have the training and tools available to make you completely comfortable during treatment. We put your comfort at the front of our minds when any treatment is undertaken. Additional sedation techniques are also available upon request.
In the days following treatment, the level of discomfort can range widely. Most of our patients report little to no discomfort following treatment. What you should expect to experience following treatment will be discussed with you by your Endodontist and depends largely on the degree of inflammation or infection in and around your tooth before you arrive for treatment. Just as if you were to sprain your ankle or break your arm, the treatment provided to you by your Endodontist will allow the body to start the process of healing, but this healing may not be without some discomfort. If indicated, your provider at the Root Canal Center of Naples will prescribe medications to make you comfortable during this healing process.